The 5th International Conference on Agromedicine and Tropical Diseases
“Society 5.0: New Challenges and Opportunities on Tropical Diseases and Agromedicine

Indonesia | August 1-2, 2024

Days of Activity




Registration 1 Sep 2023 – 1 August 2024
Active participant abstract submission 1 Jan 2024 – 18 July 2024
LOA 22 July 2024
Presentation submission deadline 31 July 2024
Conference ICATD 5 1 – 2 August 2024
Full paper 7 August 2024


Selected papers will be published to SCOPUS indexed journal or SINTA (2-4) indexed journal. Other articles will be published in ISSN procedding. Topics: Medicine: Internal medicine, surgery, orthopaedic, paediatrics, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, trauma, psychiatry, emergency and disaster, Microbiology, Parasitology, Tropical Disease. Clinical Sciences: Dentistry, pharmacology, toxicology, immunology, medical and surgical nursing. Health sciences: Nutrition, population health, community health, epidemiology and health prevention, biostatics, nursing, pharmacy, Biological Science, Biomolecular and Biotechnology.


SPEAKER I: Prof. Dr. Zailina Hashim, Ph.D.
University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

SPEAKER II: Prof. Junko Tanaka
Hiroshima University, Japan

SPEAKER VI: Prof. Muhammad Miftahussurur, dr., M.Kes., Sp.PD-KGEH., Ph.D., FINASIM
Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

SPEAKER VI: Dr. apt. Mochamad Amrun Hidayat
University of Jember, Indonesia

SPEAKER V: dr. Suryadewi Edi Nugraheni, M.A., Ph.D.
University of Winconsin-Madison, USA

SPEAKER VI: Dr. dr. Rita Kusriastuti, M.Sc.
Indonesian Parasitic Diseases Control Association, Indonesia

SPEAKER VII: Marcos Grigioni MD, General Surgeon.
Agromedicina Agricultural Health & Safety Coordinator, Argentina

SPEAKER VIII: dr. Al Munawir, M.Kes., Ph.D.
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Jember, Indonesia

SPEAKER IX: Ass. Prof. Dr.Med. Nicole Berrens-Riha, Ph.D.
Institute of Tropical Medicine, ITM Antwerp, Belgium